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Davveys Vehicle Rigging Scripts 1.5.2 for Maya (maya script)

Davveys Vehicle Rigging Scripts

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/21/2007
File Size: 3.02 MB

Version History

Version 1.5.2
Added a Damping control attribute to Main Rig Controller to reduce or dampen suspension travel sensitivity of operation when constrained to a Ground Plane.

Version 1.5.1
Fixed bug in main script that stopped call to load Front Wheels

Version 1.5.0
Main work to this revision is cleaning up of coding in scripts. Also fixed a bug in Door rigging scripts which errored out on some occasions. Revised script installation back to using a zip file download and removal of Web Page based help files to reduced download.

Help file is now a PDF file which can be called from Main GUI menu or opened independantly of Maya

Version 1.4.1

Minor revision to ver 1.4.0 to correct error in Motion Patch Script which caused erratic Behaviour when attaching to motion Path

Version 1.4.0

The main revision now includes the option to set Front and Rear Passenger Doors (inc. Window Opening). Also Front Hood (Bonnet) and Rear Trunk (Boot) or Tailgate, Split Tailgate or Left and
Right Rear Doors.

Also a revised GUI (Graphical User Interface) is now used which includes an "Outliner" panel to aid selection of each section as required and selectable help sections for each section.

Also an off-line copy of Help files now included as a PDF file which can be printed out if required.

Version 1.0.0
First Release