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dpAutoRigSystem 3.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

Free Auto Rig System for Maya

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Last Modified:04/21/2020
File Size: 649 KB


Extra joints and controllers

Submitted by: lu_raziel lu_raziel
Hi nilouco

I want to add some extra joints to my character (e.g. a tail) and I tried the built in “Fk line” in the creation tool.

How do I make the new joints follow the others properly and how do I specify which “original joint” I want the extra ones  to follow? I have tried parenting, parent constraint, the joint connection tool doesn’t seem to work either. Is there something I have overseen?

I have also tried to add joints with Maya´s own tool, but that just screws up the rig.


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    nilouco said over 11 years ago:

    Hi, this is easy to solve: You need to parent the tail guide in the hips guide, only it! If you want, you can see this parent in the Portuguese video in my blog: Every parented guide rigged integrated will be follow the father guide :) I hope you understand. Let"me know if you find the correct way, please.
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    lu_raziel said over 11 years ago:

    Hi Danilo Thanks for your reply. I am not quite sure what you mean by “Switch in the rig”. I have linked a video to this message: that shows my issue. The FK_Line in the video represents the tail controller that I want to follow the hips.
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    nilouco said over 11 years ago:

    Hi, thanks for your message. The easiest way to do this is create a new FK_Line guide with more segments and it will create more joints automatically. Then you need to switch in the rig for the new module created. I hope have helped you :) Cheers, Danilo Pinheiro.

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