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drawCurveOnPolyPoints 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

create curve on selected poly points

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  • 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/05/2007
File Size: 14.2 KB
This script draws a three degree curve from sequentially selected polygonal points. It can be executed as a shelf item, and runs in two phases: First is in the poly poiint selection phase, and second is the curve drawing phase. It creates a temporary text file which records the selection history of the command editor during the selection phase, parses through the selection history, and then feeds the result into a curve command.

Note: your present working directory has to be writable for this script to function. Also, you have to select points
one at a time, as the script does not handle multiple selections (there would be no way to determine point
selection order in multiple-point drag seletion anyway).

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