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Extrude Length along curve 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

extra attribute for the length of the extrusion

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  • 8.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:07/15/2007
File Size: 889 Bytes
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  • yondon

    yondon said almost 11 years ago:

    Thank you, I love you!
  • john chen

    john chen said about 14 years ago:

    nice, works on maya 2011 x64
  • darcel

    darcel said over 15 years ago:

    Im getting this error: // Error: TPSdatabase::createAddControlUI: could not create control for attribute maxScaleLimitEnable // Using Maya 2009 sp1a if that helps! Thanks...
  • GregOConn

    GregOConn said over 16 years ago:

    This script has made me a very very happy man. You have just saved me countless hours of fiddling thankyou!
  • GregOConn

    GregOConn said over 16 years ago:

    This script has made me a very very happy man. You have just saved me countless hours of fiddling thankyou!
  • ghaydaa

    ghaydaa said almost 17 years ago:

    thanks man u save my ....
  • bass_db

    bass_db said over 17 years ago:

    thank you!
  • bradon

    bradon said over 17 years ago:

    this seems pretty good so far. I coudnt seem to get this to work with polys not sure if this was the version to support it. I also thought it would be great to use this as a animation tool, however it seems to cause wierd results if the surface is deformed in any way after the extrudeL is enabled. which im sure is the logical reason that the extrudeL deletes vertexs from being created so that obviously they would not contribut to the deform. if there would be a workaround so you could deform and trim in one extusion that would be something really nice. im using maya 8.5 on an intel mac if that helps... I can try again i only had a few minutes to test it the first time.
  • Emil Polyak

    Emil Polyak said over 17 years ago:

    hmmm... what version of maya are you using?
  • Meat Popsicle

    Meat Popsicle said over 17 years ago:

    Works Great now with 1.0.1. Very useful!

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