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- 130 scripts for Modeling,UV + video tutorials for each!!! 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

BIG script pack for Modeling and UV.

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/02/2017
File Size: 210 Bytes



On LINUX it's not working!! On Mac too!! Some peoples tested it. I you know where is bug - let me know. Thanks.
In MAYA 2017 its not working! BUT IN PAID version bug fixed, so you can use free version in 2016 and buy if you want to use in 2017.
Maya 2016-17 now SUPPORTED in full version ONLY! use menu for launch window with all scripts. Full menu with all scripts not available in 2016-17, only window with all scripts available.

Just look this quick short overview of most interested scripts.
By the way..  this is not a scripts collection from internet :) All 130 scripts written by myself.

And than you can view everything about all 130 scripts here in 5 videos.






You can click on any script in list and see video tutorial about it!

Open last recent file
Incremental saves view - Very quickly surf in incremental saved scenes of open scene.
Perspective < > Orthographic switch - One button and you get needed camera. No viewcubes, no choosing of camera. Just one button.
Isolate selected, Cancel isolate. - Just isolate selection.
Camera clipping fit - Quick fit of camera clipping.
Camera clipping advanced functions - Interactive fitting of camera clipping.
Camera tumble about selected components on/off - Now you can tumble about your selection!!! Like in 3dmax.

Mirror instance - Quickly create instance of object and mirror it.
Combine + weld + soft border edges
Pivot to world zero
Make world transform - Make coordinates of transform - world coordinates.
Rotate align 90 degr - Aligns rotation of transfoms to fit 90 degrees.
Make unselectable, All reset to selectable - Set objects in "Reference mode" like in layers.
Duplicate objects trail - Makes duplicated trail from object.
Instances select - You must select one instance, and script will select all other instances of this object.
Instance to copy - Convert instance to copy.
Recreate polys of object completely (kill bugs) - Completely recreate all polys of object for clear all bugs. It's like reborn of polygons + uvs.
Transparent - Makes X-ray on selected objects.
Backfaces - Turn on/off backfaces on selected objects.
Bold edges poly - Turn on/off displaying border edges bold.
Bold edges UV - Turn on/off displaying uv-border edges bold.
no bold edges - Turn off displaying all borders as bold.

Shell select - Select shell of components.
Shell select mode on/off - Mode when you select some components and script automatically select shells.
Move by normals - Move any components by it's normals.
Vertical scale, horisontal scale, all axes scale - Scale components to Zero in needed axis relatively to camera.
Scale shells of selection separately
Save, Select, Add, Remove selected, Remove set from selected, Intersect selected with set - Useful working with one quick selection set.

Connect / Disconnect 2 vertices - Makes edge between 2 vertices.
Target weld - Weld first selected vertex to second selected vertex.
Snap to mirror plane - Snaps selected vertices to plane that is in middle of two instances.
Align vertices in line - Makes line from vertices.
Snap vertices to surface on/off - Makes copy of this object, make it live and hide. Now you can move vertices of original object by surface of itself.
Manipulator hide when move vertices on/off - Auto-hides arrows of MoveTool manipulator for useful quick organic vertex tweaking along camera plane without any annoying arrows.

Connect 2 edges - Makes edges from center of one edge to center of second edge.
Split - Split surface by selected edges.
Flip - Flip edges quickly.
Bevel 1,2 segment - Good Bevel for high poly modeling.
Select loop, ring, loop punktir, ring punktir - Quick batch selectors of edges. Especially good for optimising high poly geometry.
Select border edges
Select UV-border edges
Select Hard edges
Select Edges By Angle - Select edges what polygons angle for example from 0 to 90 degrees.
Detach polygons, Duplicate polygons.
Grow polygon selection to hard edges - Grows polygon selection many times but stop growing on hard edges. For quick selecting regions of polygons that has hard edges around.
Find double polygons - Finds polygons that is ideally equal in one mesh. Vertices of this polygons must be welded.
Select polygons by verts count - Select polygons that have 3, 4 or 5 or more vertices.
Planarate quad-polygons - Intelligently try to planarate polygons without large distortion of object. Applying "Make world transform" is recommended.
Triangulate polygons + sel edges - Triangulate polygons and select new edges created with triangulation. It useful for "bake" holed polygons.

Uv editor open
Clear UVs - Put all uvs in nearly zero in U and V.
Assign checker - Quickly assign checker texture to object.
Drag tile of checker - Drag tile of checker.
UV >TGA, open - Quick UV-snapshot in folder where open scene saved.
Stretches - Find stretches in UV-map and paint it in red with vertex colors.
Differences in scale - Finds diffrences in UV scales and paint it in red with vertex colors.
..turn off stretches or diffrences - Turn of displaying of vertex color (created with up 2 scripts).
Find Closest Uvs in borders - Find uvs tha is in 3 pixels on from another and lay on border of one and another shells of UVs.
Duplicated UVs - Finds UVs that is in same coordinates.
Not duplicated UVs - Finds UVs that is not in same coordinates.
Distance between 2 UVs in pixels
Area of all UVs

Shell select - Select shell of UVs.
Shell select mode on/off - Mode when you select some components and script automatically select shells.
Planar projection - Simple planar from camera with auto-fit 45 degrees for quick planaring without switching to orthographic cameras.
Cylinder projection - Quick cylinder projection from camera with fitting 90 degrees.
Unfold - Quick using unfold function with auto-planaring and cut UV-edges.
Auto-scale - Auto-scale managing. Auto scale applyes after Planar, Cylindrical projection and Unfold. It makes equal scale of UV-shells of object.
Auto-fit rotate to 90 degrees - Finds 90-degrees angles in UV-shells and try to aligns it to U and V axes.
Shells scale average - Averaging scale of UV-shells.
Cut out uv-faces - Detach UV-faces from UV-map. Just cut UV-edges for cut out selected faces.
Align in line + 1d-Unfold - Special aligning.. For helping in Unfolding work.
Stitch shells - Like Move and Sew but with scaling UV-shells.
Move to other uvs in verts - Uv just converts to vertex selection and find other uvs in this vertex, and snap to nearest uv in this vertex.
Move Uvs in 3d viewport
Shells to grid
Shells to one place
Align shells like polygons look in 3d viewport
Move one to another - Quick snap of UV-shells.
vertically scale, horisontally scale, fully scale - Quick scale UVs to zero.
Scale shells - Quickly fitting scale of UV-shells even without using UV Texture Editor.
Scale vertical 2x,0.5x, horisontal 2x,0.5x, Move by 1 unit left,right,up,down - Useful when you working with non-quad textures, at example - 512x1024.

Assign new material - Quick create material and opens attribute editor with created material.
Assign new texture - Choose texture file in file browser, and script will create for you new material and assign this texture to color of this material.
Reload all textures
Create polygonal image plane - Quick inserting images into 3d. Just do same as "Assign new texture" but plus creates polygonal plane and change it proportions to fit texture!
Assign new tex to reflection - Do the same as "Assign new texture" but uses Environment ball to quickly creates reflection in viewport.

Edit skinned geometry - For quick edit skinned geometry and not loose your skin weights.
Transfer weights from joint to joint.
Info about skin - Tells you count of skinned joints in skinCluster and all names of them.
Copy, Paste - For quick copy and paste skin weights from one vertices to another. Also averages skin weights of selected vertices. You can select 1 vertex assign to one joint, and 1 vertex assign to another joint, copys weights from it and paste it to vertex that is in middle of them and it will have weight 0.5 0.5 of those two joints.
Save, Load - Save skin weights by vertex numbers, and load it.

Some scripts written some years ago (and now adaptaded for Maya 2011-12) and may be you found that some scripts now you can found in default Maya. Why I anyway use my scripts..   because I don't check every little features in new versions of Maya, I just write my script, and after 2-3 years this scripts some times appear in default Maya like a default function, but in half of this scripts works not how I want that they must works.. (  because of this you can find here some scripts that are already exists in default Maya. I'm tired of checking all little features of all new Maya versions.

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