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GetMaterial 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Ever have an object with a ton of shaders...

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  • 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/10/2003
File Size: 3.31 KB
Ever have an object with a ton of shaders applied to it, and you want an easy way to find out what texture/shader is applied to a specific poly? Here's a script that will tell you the Shader name, ShaderGroup name, and texture bitmap name applied to a single polygon. The Shader related info will appear in the status line in Maya.

*NOTE: This script also selects the shader used, therefore by using the A key in the hypershader, you can find the specific shader. To turn this off, comment out '//' one line near the end of the mel script. It is labeled and should be easy to lacate.

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