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gf_playblastManager 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

This tool helps you create and manage playblasts

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/17/2014
File Size: 69.9 KB
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1-3 of 3

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  • Eugenealazar418

    Eugenealazar418 said about 2 years ago:

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  • Guillaume FERRACHAT

    Guillaume FERRACHAT said almost 11 years ago:

    Thanks for your review. What do you mean by "audio functionality" ?
  • Sebastian Trujillo

    Sebastian Trujillo said almost 11 years ago:

    This is a great tool, with some solid potential. Tell me, is there an audio functionality that I'm not seeing? Other than that, it's good for documenting the animation process and keeping an organised workflow. Great work man!

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