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Goblin animation import/export 6.3.6 for Maya (maya script)

handle animLayers and constrained objects

Button download


  • 2016, 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/27/2016
File Size: 200 KB


animation, animLayer

Version History

version 6.2.4
* major change in definition of baseAnimLayer as None instead of 'base'. Old animation files from version 6.1.0 will work, but any animation originaly in baseAnimLayer will be put under animLayer 'base'.
* repair bug - selection radion buttons
* repair bug - creation/removing goblinLayer
* repair bug - preferences did not remember FilterExport setting
* preferences now remember current active Tab and import/export mod

version 6.2.5
* minimalizing output print
* repair bug - children selection crash during output
* repair bug - import/export error while working with animLayer

version 6.2.6
* repair bug - import rotate animation under animLayer didnt work at all
* repair bug - delete keys didnt  work on animLayer animations

version 6.2.7
* repair bug - bad update of goblinLayers
* repair bug - during creation of new file
* add name of the active file in info frame

version 6.2.9
* large rebuild in GUI
* implemented option import with keepExistingKeys and startFrom functions
* created new type of goblinLayer "simple", "simple" is used in standartGui and simpleGui
* established function "autoReload" - file is reloaded before any operetion
* established openPipeline integration - goblin can now read active project in openPipeline and open its folder. With predefined subpath in goblin_setup you can easily access animation from active project

version 6.3.2
* Goblin now recognize namespaces and hierarchy. If more namespace possibilities exists, Goblin ask for choise.
* updated AnimCurve Manager.

version 6.3.3
* repair bug - option import crash on namespaces
* repair bug in Time Offset under AnimCurve Manager.

version 6.3.4
* repair bug - error do not shut down progressBar
* repair bug - when importing animation, prevent unwanted creation of curves on shapes (for example visibility cause error)

version 6.3.5
* repair incorrect "with Children" behaviour
* add search/replace importOption

version 6.3.6
* file divided to maya2014 and before maya2014
* repair wrong selection of goblinLayers in advanceGui
* repair crash after selection of simpleGui