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Klockworks Particle Path Curves 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Particle Path Curves generator

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  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x


Last Modified:12/01/2009
File Size: 5.65 KB
Hi All:
Occasionally I get emails asking for features/help/updates to this script. I am glad so many of you like it and have used it since I made it. I am not updating this nor bug fixing for future versions of Maya past the ones listed. Sorry!

Official Release! This script is like many of the other particle path curve generators, except this script can handle particle death.
This script not only handles particle death but adds custom attributes to each curve detailing the birth and death frame.

DISCLAIMER: This script does have an upper limit to the amount of particles it can handle alive at one time, I do not know the exact number but it is dictated by your RAM.
Should you hit this upper limit MAYA WILL FREEZE, no auto-save, no crash, just a full freeze.
Note: You may notice it actually continueing to go, even if just very slowly. This is due to the amount of particles it has to go through for that frame, lots of particles alive at one time, lots of steps needed to complete the loop.
With the addition of the progress bar to v1.2 and up you can push esc at any time during the script execution to cancel the process. This will stop after the current frame is done and create what it has so far into curves.

USE: To use this script rehash your script table, source it, and run the particlePath() script, the GUI will appear.

         Start Frame: Frame to start simulation at.
         End Frame: Last frame in simulation.
         Sample Step: What frames to record. ie: 1 = every frame 2 = every other frame and so on.
         Curve Degree: When building the curve what degree do you want it to be.
         Minimum Degree: Shortest degree curve you want the script to make. If set to 7 you are saying you want curves with at least 7 CV's to be made.

EX: rehash; source sgkParticlePathCurves.mel; particlePath;

1.2: Added a progress bar.
1.1: Added sample step.
1.0: Initial release.


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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