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magKillField 0.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Automated creation of volume particle kill field

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/11/2008
File Size: 2.08 KB


mother, earth, maya, paintFX

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  • ununbium

    ununbium said almost 6 years ago:

    I do not know if you know, but your code was used in actual movie!
    Plaes check "The Equalizer 2", around 1:10min, your code is visible on death man's mobile phone.
    I created this account just to let you know about it, because I think it may be great fun for you.
    Have a nice day,
  • chakalele

    chakalele said almost 16 years ago:

    Hi. thanks a lot !, nice one. here is adapted to kill nParticles, sorry i needed it :P. i change procedure name no nKiller for my use. ---------- global proc nKiller() { string $nParticle[]; string $field[]; string $tempX[]; string $temp[] = `ls -sl`; int $num = 0; int $part = 0; if (size($temp) 0) { $field = `turbulence -pos 0 0 0 -name "nKill_#" -m 0.1 -att 0 -f 2 -phaseX 0 -phaseY 0 -phaseZ 0 -noiseLevel 2 -noiseRatio 0.707 -mxd -1 -vsh cube -vex 0 -vof 0 0 0 -vsw 360 -tsr 0.5`; } else { error "no nParticle Selected!"; } print($nParticle); $num = 0; for ($i in $nParticle) { connectDynamic -f ($field[0]) ($i); } string $connections[] = `listConnections -d 1 -s 0 -p 1 $field[0]`; $num = 0; for ($i in $nParticle) { string $exp = `dynExpression -q -s -rad ($nParticle[$num])`; $exp += "\n//kill field: "+$field[0] +"\n"; $exp += "if (mag(" + $connections[$num] + ") > 0) {lifespanPP = 0;}\n"; dynExpression -rad -s $exp ($nParticle[$num]); $num++; } select $field[0]; } ---------- Thanks.
  • BFX

    BFX said about 16 years ago:

    works well - This script has lots of possible applications

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