Particle exports : Particle system from maya into native houdini geo format with custom attribute.
Mdd exports : Geometry with non-changing topology into mdd format.(Make sure you offset your range in houdini properly)
Obj exports: Obj sequence out of maya so you can use it everywhere.
Copy script into your C:\Users\<username>\Documents\maya\<maya version>\scripts
To launch use:
import fx_mdd_obj_exporter
This tools exports animated or static polygonal geometry and Particles to houdini.
For geometry it uses OBJ or MDD format
For particles --> Houdini's ascii GEO format.
1. Select single or multiple meshes in maya
2.Set frame range, increment, choose OBJ in choice selector, specify path for export similar to Example.
3. Click "Export".
1. Select single or multiple meshes in maya
2.Set frame range, choose MDD in choice selector, specify path for export similar to Example.
3. Click "Export"
Note that increment doesn't work .
1. Select your particles
2.Set frame range, increment, choose "Particle" in choice selector, specify path for export similar to Example.
3. Expand "Particle Custom Variable" rollout and here you can specifiy two custom vector PP variables and two float as well(or leave them blank).
to do it just input their names like they appear in expression editor without particleShape name.EXAMPLE: "myCustomVecPP"
4. Click "Export"
Note that increment doesn't work for particle export.
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