for your modelpanels during playback/playblast/scrubbing!
i.e. automatically turn off nurbsCurves during playback or
playblast to not see all the ctrls of a character.
usage: put it in your script folder and run it,
for permanent installation start mfPowerPlay();
in your userSetup.mel
Creates "Powerplay options..." under Diplay menue
to configurate Powerplay
// recent updates:
// 2011-12-05 - version 1.4
// * adjusted compatebility to maya 2012 (Qt or maya UI bug in rowColumnLayout -columnOffset (right) flag)
// * show Options for viewport state implemented more flexible now
// so changes of future maya releases will also take effect in powerPlay options
// * selectionHiliteDisplay option added
// known issues on maya 2011:
// if you got the error: "no panel type modelEditor found - failed to query powerPlay state flags, please initialize UI first"
// you are either in batch mode or the maya UI is not yet ready - if this happens while calling mfPowerPlay in your userSetup.mel
// do call it like:
// file -f -new; mfPowerPlay;
// ...this will create a new scene first, so the UI is there for sure
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