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Nightshade UV Editor 2.1.3 for Maya (maya script)

Nightshade UV Editor extends the Maya's UV Texture Editor with tools, scripts and a UI that greatly speed up the time it takes doing UV work.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/11/2016
File Size: 3.2 MB


Runtime error

Submitted by: Geta-Ve Geta-Ve
Here is a copy/paste from the script editor

performUnfold 0;Unfold3D -u -ite 10 -p 1 -bi 1 -tf 1 -ms 4096 -rs 10;// Unfold3D -u -ite 10 -p 1 -bi 1 -tf 1 -ms 4096 -rs 10; // python("import sys");if (`window -ex polyTexturePlacementPanel1Window`){deleteUI -window polyTexturePlacementPanel1Window;}if (`window -ex NSUV_mainWin`){    if (`window -q -iconify NSUV_mainWin`){        window -e -iconify 0 NSUV_mainWin;    }else{        window -e -iconify 1 NSUV_mainWin;}}else{    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV']")`);    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV.UI']")`);    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV.core']")`);    python("import NSUV");};# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: mayaHIK, GamePipeline, CloudImportExport, tiffFloatReader, bifrostvisplugin, cgfxShader, studioImport, ikSpringSolver, ik2Bsolver, xgenToolkit, AbcExport, retargeterNodes, gameFbxExporter, VectorRender, AutodeskPacketFile, OpenEXRLoader, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, modelingToolkit, MayaMuscle, rotateHelper, DirectConnect, dx11Shader, matrixNodes, AbcImport, BifrostMain, autoLoader, sceneAssembly, gpuCache, Substance, shaderFXPlugin, objExport, bifrostshellnode, ArubaTessellator, xgenMR, quatNodes, fbxmayaxgmNurbsPatch [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmNurbsPatch']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmNurbsPatch is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmNurbsPatch'] # xgmSubdPatch [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSubdPatch']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSubdPatch is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSubdPatch'] # xgmArchiveGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmArchiveGuide']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmArchiveGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmArchiveGuide'] # xgmCardGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmCardGuide']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmCardGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmCardGuide'] # xgmSphereGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSphereGuide']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSphereGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSphereGuide'] # xgmSplineGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSplineGuide']# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSplineGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSplineGuide'] # # Error: RuntimeError: file <string> line 2: flag parsing failed. # 

This, I believe, is an issue caused by NSUV. I say this only because the Unfold function works fine before I run NSUV. After I run it, the error comes up.

Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks! 

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    Geta-Ve said about 8 years ago:

    I am using 2016 SP6 Line numbers are on already, and echo all commands doesn't do anything since I can literally open maya, create a cube, open nsuv, select all uv's and hit unfold and it gives me that error. Funny enough though, if I try opening the script editor with NSUV open, maya hard crashes.
  • Replyindent
    Martin Dahlin

    Martin Dahlin said about 8 years ago:

    What version of Maya are you running? Also, could you go into the script editor and go to History > Echo All Commands ...and also toggle Line Numbers in Errors, there /Martin

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