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OBJs Exporter 2.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

Complete script which exports geometry from Autodesk-Maya in .obj file format.

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  • 2011

Operating Systems

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  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/06/2010
File Size: 8.14 KB
Copyright © 2010 Christos Parliaros. All rights reserved.

OBJsExporter v2.0.2 (06/11/2010) update: fixed bugs with export animated polygons
OBJsExporter v2.0.1 (02/11/2010) update: fixed bugs with export in sequence, addition of warnings for the user
OBJsExporter v2.0.0 (02/11/2010) update: support sequences, new UI with browser, additional options
OBJsExporter v1.0.0 (27/10/2010) 


Its a Python script, which exports selected geometry from Autodesk-Maya in .obj file format. The ObjExport plugin will be loaded if necessary. It can export multiple objects at once, in the current frame or in sequence (animation) with frame padding. Supports polygons, NURBS and subdivision surfaces, all of them will be exported as polygons. There are options as to rename the exported objects or keep the name from the scene (default). You can keep the original geometry (nurbs, subdiv) in your scene or override it with the exported polygons. You can export mutliple ogjects as one mesh. You can export the geometry triangulated for RealFlow use in fluids and dynamics simulations. You can export sequences in their own directory (created automatically), named after the object. Also you can choose the obj file type options (groups, point groups, materials, smoothing, normals).

OBJ supported by: Houdini, Nuke (animation or not), RealFlow (only triangulate), Zbrush, Mari.

  1. Copy the objsExporter_v2.pyc file to: C:/Users/username/Documents/maya/2011/scripts
     (This way it will source the script every time maya starts.)                                              
  2. Start Maya and from the script editor run the following lines:
       import objsExporter_v2

  1. Run the script.
  2. Select the object(s) you want export, DO NOT select the top group node.
  3. Set a name(optional), choose frame range and additional options.
  4. Set the path where you want to save them.
  5. Export.

Need To Do: Imported obj sequences in maya as cache (same with Houdini) and option to be converted in keyframes for a single object.

If you have any questions, bugs, suggestions please feel free to report it here.

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