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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB


About prefix names and StudioLibrary.

Submitted by: Florent Perrin Florent Perrin
On a rig i've been working on a LOT, I've chosen the default _r and _l prefixes for the build of the rig.
I cannot re-generate the rig, to much side work done already.
Fact is I use StudioLibrary for storing and mirroring animation.
And Studio Library mirror table uses whole chains of character, not prefix to detect right and left sides.
So it detects the r_ chain in other places than prefix. For instance, in the  l_Arm_Upper_Curve_Ctrl it detects the l_ AND the r_ chain at the end of Upper_.
I wanted to change this prefix on my controllers, with capital R and L wich did work, BUT then the selector doesn't work anymore.

So here comes the question :
How can i change this, so that the selector accepts the new capital R and L prefix?
where in the ASCII  scene can I find the place to relink this?
Or is there another way to globally change it in the scene? A node where the names are stored perhaps?

Thanks a lot a lot a lot !

Cheers from France,


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    Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said almost 8 years ago:

    Sorry about not seeing this earlier. Notifications were not working on the site.
    There is a lot of meta data that is based on the initial setup, so the connections and prefixed go deeper than the node names, and renaming the rig also impacts how the Selector script works. Another issue is that changing the names of the nodes will cause issues with the "Rebuild Rig" functionality, unless the proxy rig was also updated. And setting that up with a proper renamer is another deep dive. And it's possible that a user may only want to rename one or the other. So having a renaming option is a big can of worms.
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    Florent Perrin

    Florent Perrin said about 8 years ago:

    Well after trying it did work by ope the ASCII file, replace all the "r_ occurences by "_R... Selector still working... But that would perhaps be a good function to implement, for those who don't deal with ascii, or work in binary.... My two cents... Cheers, F.

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