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RenderView Extension 1.9.9 for Maya (maya script)

Makes the basic Maya Render View more efficient

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/01/2014
File Size: 165 KB
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1-10 of 31

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  • cyberjunglist

    cyberjunglist said almost 12 years ago:

    Great script, Worked first time with 2012 and adds really useful functionality to the renderview!
  • carmelnights

    carmelnights said over 12 years ago:

    love this script !!! thanks :)
  • Alex Alvarez

    Alex Alvarez said almost 13 years ago:

    very cool... thanks! working with 2012...
  • douglasfigueira

    douglasfigueira said over 13 years ago:

    Great script!! saved me a lot!! Many thanks!!
  • Carlos Cid

    Carlos Cid said over 13 years ago:

    I just downloaded and i´m already working, really a great script! saved me from a command line error :) and if that wouldn't be enough is working just fine in maya 2012! This should be in every release!!!
  • masteranimation

    masteranimation said almost 14 years ago:

    Its not working here :(... WHat to do , i followed the readme and pasted the scripts and icone in their related folders. Now What... When i start Maya 2009, nothing happens , i launched the script again from the load script Editor but it says, //"Warning, Global variable is already initialized, Occurance Ignored" I dont see any difference in Render setting or any thing... Does it really works,, :( please help

    MR HOLLYWOOD said about 14 years ago:

    I think I need a little help. I took all the mels and put them in every Script path for 2011 and I just can't seem to get RenderView to appear. I put the Icons in "user dir/my documents/maya/version/prefs/icons" & the(renderWindowPanel.mel, /mayaPreviewRender.mel, /mentalrayPreviewRender.mel/sz_renderView.mel) in the "user dir/my documents/maya/version/prefs/scripts file. Rebooted and nothing. So I tried the other Script Paths related to Maya and still nothing. Any suggestions would be appreciated. CHEERS MR HOLLYWOOD
  • koloss

    koloss said about 14 years ago:

    Really Big Thanks! A must have!
  • sam lavi

    sam lavi said about 14 years ago:

    Hi, using Maya 2011 with OSX here. I've tried copying the files to 2 different script folders, and i always get the same error msg (// Error: Object not found: renderView // ) and then Maya crashes. Any idea where should i put the files exactly? I'm new to Maya and this is the first script i'm trying to install. Thanks!
  • beverins

    beverins said about 14 years ago:

    A must have. Download it now for Maya 2011 and never look back.

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