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Rig Studio 2.4.0 for Maya (maya script)

Modular rigging tool

Button download


  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/16/2020
File Size: 3.77 MB




Rig Studio is a python script for Maya. This tool help rigger to make any types of rigs.

Modules are the core and philosophy of this rigging system. They can be easily added to rig and connect in any combination. Modules are not only arm, foot, tail, etc.. but many variations of them. For example, you can choose the needed module of foot for your character. 

In RS, a module is not a simple script, in the main, module is a simple maya scene. It means the user can easily edit it, but better make your own. Create a new module from a simple template or duplicate the existing module and edit it.

Another main feature of the tool is using realtime adjustment. After building the rig, you can easily correct all joints placement. That gives the ability to match builded rig to any similar character. Without RS, without rebuilding, in realtime even in animation you can correct rig proportions.

RS everywhere use templates. Modules and even full rigs can be saved as a template, and later created by one button.

After building the rig, you can use it on any computer without any plugins. 


 In the image above list of the current modules which in working now. Lips2 and Eyelids2 will be available with the next update, all another is can be used now but later will add more advanced features. 


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