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SAFER Poses 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Create and store poses for your characteres

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:08/27/2009
File Size: 1.09 MB
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  • loganb

    loganb said over 16 years ago:

    very useful! with the help of Google translate, I have a created a basic English version of saferUI.mel: _______________________________________________________________ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Safer Poses UI ---- escrito por Sergio Fernandez ---------------- 2004 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //V1.0 2005 //v1.1 2007 //v1.2 2007 // ************************ GENERAATE INTERFACE ********************************* global proc saferUI() { string $cabe,$ref; $cabe = `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_logo"; $ref = `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_none"; global string $saferposesUI; if (`window -exists $saferposesUI` == 0) { $ruta= leoruta(); if ( `size($ruta)` > 0) { eval( "source \""+ $ruta+ "\""); } $saferposesUI = `window -title "Safer Poses v1.2" -width 360 -height 360 -minimizeButton 1 -sizeable 1`; menuBarLayout; menu -label "File" -tearOff false; menuItem -label "Open Character" -c "busca_character"; menuItem -label "Create Character" -c "Create_character"; menuItem -label "Exit" -c ("deleteUI -window "+ $saferposesUI); menu -label "Language" -tearOff false; menuItem -label "Spanish" -c ""; menuItem -label "English" -en false -c ""; menu -label " " -tearOff false; menu -label "Help" -tearOff false; menuItem -label "Help and Recent Updates" -c "Helpsafer"; rowLayout -columnWidth1 370 -height 314 -numberOfColumns 1 -width 362; columnLayout -columnWidth 360 -height 314 -rowSpacing 0 -width 370; image -height 33 -image $cabe -width 360; text -height 5 -label " " -width 80; rowLayout -columnWidth5 100 100 30 105 20 -height 20 -numberOfColumns 5 -width 365; text -align "left" -height 20 -label " Poses" -width 100; text -align "right" -height 18 -label " " -width 100; text -height 18 -label " " -width 30; //text -align "left" -height 18 -label " Preview" -width 104; button -height 20 -backgroundColor 1 1 0 -label "Create Preview" -width 120-command genero_preview; setParent ..; rowLayout -columnWidth3 5 200 160 -height 261 -numberOfColumns 3 -width 365; text -height 17 -label " " -width 5; textScrollList -dcc selecdata -height 249 -width 200 -sc cuandoselecciono casita; rowLayout -columnWidth2 30 120 -height 261 -numberOfColumns 2 -width 160; text -height 17 -label " " -width 30; columnLayout -columnWidth 120 -height 261 -rowSpacing 0 -width 120; image -height 120 -image $ref -width 120 imagenpreview; columnLayout -columnWidth 120 -height 141 -rowSpacing 6 -width 120; button -height 25 -label "NEW POSE" -width 120 -command entername; button -height 25 -label "delete Pose" -width 120 -command borroitem; button -height 25 -label "delete All" -width 120 -command borroitemall; button -height 25 -label "Exit" -width 120 -command ("deleteUI -window "+ $saferposesUI); text -height 5 -label " " -width 80; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; showWindow $saferposesUI; cargolista; cuandoselecciono; } }; //**************************************************************************** // ******************** ARCHIVO DE Help ******************************** global proc Helpsafer() { $exampleFileName = ( `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_instalacion.txt" ); system ( "start notepad.exe " + $exampleFileName ); } //************************************************************************************ // ******************** LEO CONFIGURACION DE DIRECTORIO ***************** global proc string leoruta() { global string $MainPath; $exampleFileName = ( `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_config.mel" ); $fileId=`fopen $exampleFileName "r"`; string $MainPath =""; string $MainPath = `fgetline $fileId`; fclose $fileId; if ($MainPath == "") { $MainPath = ( `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_set.mel" ); } return $MainPath; } //************************************************************************************ // ******************** GRABADO CONFIGURACION DE ARCHIVO ***************** global proc grabarconfig(string $config) { $exampleFileName = ( `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "/safer_config.mel" ); $fileId=`fopen $exampleFileName "w"`; fprint $fileId $config; fclose $fileId; refrescar; borrolista; cargolista; ordena_lista; //----------------- SI HAY ITEMS EN LA LISTA, SELECCIONO UNO -------------------- int $consulto = `textScrollList -q -ni casita`; if ($consulto > 0) { textScrollList -e -sii 1 casita; } cuandoselecciono; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; //************************************************************************************ // ************************ Search character y grabar en safer_config ************ global proc busca_character() { $ruta = leoruta(); $filtro = dirname($ruta) + "/*.mel"; $abrir_character = `fileDialog -directoryMask $filtro`; if ( `size $abrir_character` == 0 ) { } else { grabarconfig($abrir_character); } }; //************************************************************************************ // ************************ Create CHARACTER ********************************** global proc Create_character() { $ruta = leoruta(); $filtro = dirname($ruta) + "/*.mel"; $abrir_character = `fileDialog -directoryMask $filtro -m 1`; if ( `size $abrir_character` == 0 ) { } else { $ruta_completa =""; $ruta_completa = $abrir_character + ".mel"; //generar el archivo nuevo $fileId=`fopen $ruta_completa "w"`; fprint $fileId ""; fclose $fileId; grabarconfig($ruta_completa); //llamo a la funcion para grabar config } }; //**************************************************************************** // ************************ VERIFICACION DE NUMEROS EN UN STRING ************* global proc string haynumeros(string $entrada) { int $i; string $resulta,$armocadena,$final="N"; for ($i = 0; $i 0 ) { string $buffer[]; $numTokens = tokenize($nextLine ," ()", $buffer); for ($i=0 ; $i 0) { textScrollList -e -sii 1 casita; } } //************************************************************************************************************* // ************************ delete, REFRESCAR y ORDENAR LA LISTA *********************************************** global proc ordena_lista() { int $itemslista= `textScrollList -q -numberOfItems casita`; string $Allsitems[]= `textScrollList -q -allItems casita`; string $Allsitemssort[] = sort($Allsitems); textScrollList -e -ra casita; for ($i=0 ; $i Selecciono atributos keyfremeables y genero un string Graba el string con sus cabeceras para Create el proc 0 ) { $cadena = $cadena + $nextLine; $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId`; } fclose $fileId; string $regularExpr = $in + ".*" + $out ; // ************** Reemplazo la cadena por nada ***************** string $exec_command = `substitute $regularExpr $cadena ""`; $exampleFileName2 = leoruta(); $fileId=`fopen $exampleFileName2 "w"`; fprint $fileId $exec_command; fclose $fileId; }; //************************************************************************************ //************************* EJECUTO LO LEIDO ***************************************** global proc refrescar() { string $ruta= leoruta(); eval( "source \""+ $ruta+ "\""); ordena_lista(); } //************************************************************************************** // ************************ DAR EL NOMBRE A UNA LA POSE ********************** global proc entername() { string $a[] = `ls -sl`; if (size($a)==0) { confirmDialog -message "To Create a pose, you have to select at least one object" -title "Warning" -button "Ok" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel"; } else { string $resultado = `promptDialog -message "Name New Pose" -button "Ok" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel" -title "NEW POSE"`; if ($resultado=="Ok") { $resultado = `promptDialog -query -text`; string $buscoespace = `match " " $resultado`; if ($buscoespace == " " || haynumeros($resultado)=="S") { confirmDialog -message "The name can not contain spaces, or start with numbers" -title "Name New Pose" -button "Ok" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Ok"; } else { textScrollList -e -append $resultado casita; int $consulto = `textScrollList -q -ni casita`; if ($consulto > 0) { textScrollList -e -sii 1 casita; } saf($resultado); } } } } //********************************************************************************************************** // ************************ BORRO ITEM DE LA LISTA Y EJECUTO FUNCION PARA MODIF safer_set ******************* global proc borroitem() { string $resultado = `confirmDialog -message "Delete selected pose?" -button "Ok" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel" -title "delete Pose"`; if ($resultado=="Ok") { int $selGroup[] = `textScrollList -q -sii casita`; string $selGroup2[] = `textScrollList -q -si casita`; int $items = $selGroup[0]; string $cheche = $selGroup2[0]; string $cinicial= "//I_" + $cheche; string $cfinal= "//O_" + $cheche; if ($cheche != "") { textScrollList -e -rii $items casita; leo_borro($cinicial, $cfinal); int $consulto = `textScrollList -q -ni casita`; if ($consulto > 0) { textScrollList -e -sii 1 casita; } string $exampleFileName3 = ( dirname(leoruta()) + "/safer_preview/" + $cheche); string $fre = "\\"; string $fre1 = "//"; string $reemplazobarra = substituteAllString($exampleFileName3, $fre, $fre1); sysFile - delete $reemplazobarra; } } cuandoselecciono; } //************************************************************************************ // ************************ BORRO **************************************************** global proc borro_all_imagenes() { string $pp[]= `textScrollList -q -ai casita`; for ($i=0; $i); image -e -image $exampleFileName1 imagenpreview; } //************************************************************************************
  • dukedanuke

    dukedanuke said over 17 years ago:

    / Warning: line 103: fopen: unable to open file "d://maya/8.5/scripts//safer_config.mel" for mode "r". // // Error: // // Error: Cannot find file "d://maya/8.5/scripts//safer_set.mel" for source statement. // Getting this when trying to source... i sourced all mel files ... safer.mel is Is empty 0KB... cant Load GUI
  • safernandez

    safernandez said over 17 years ago:

    Mientras desarrollo la version en ingles, les colge la ayuda en ingles. Pero el programa sigue en espa
  • elite2864

    elite2864 said over 17 years ago:

    Usted habla ingl

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