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selAdoucie 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

a soft Selection tool like than 3dsmax...

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  • 7.x

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Last Modified:06/05/2006
File Size: 3.35 KB
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  • Lithrael

    Lithrael said almost 18 years ago:

    An excellent tool for Maya 7. The UI seems to be confusing some people but it works great for me. It's helping me a lot. Thank you.
  • jamiegibson

    jamiegibson said about 18 years ago:

    This looks interesting but I cant get it to work. User error no doudt.
  • pasteljoe

    pasteljoe said over 18 years ago:

    sorry, I forgot to add help. but a little description to use is in the tool window : Move, Rotate or Scale tool must be activated. Select one or more vertices and activate soft selection. Move it, and specify the falloff radius with the slider...When you change the selection, the softmod automatically move onto new selection. This tool works on polygons, nurbs objects. this script is added in a bad category... how I can rectify it?
  • spurv3d

    spurv3d said over 18 years ago:

    Can you explain how to use it?

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