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Shape Animation Tool 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tool for shape animation for Maya. Correcting shape after animation.

Button download


  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/17/2016
File Size: 25 KB




The shelf button doesn't show up

Submitted byYong Park Yong Park
Maybe it is only me....but I can not see the shelf button.  I can see the shelf, but I can not see any button on it.  I tried to make my own button from the following python command, but it didn't work either.

import pk_flex.pk_flex\nreload(pk_flex.pk_flex)\n\ntry: flex.close()\nexcept: pass\n\nflex = pk_flex.pk_flex.FlexWindow() \

The error message is as following:
// Error: unexpected character after line continuation character //

This plugin looks really good and I think it will be very useful for my workflow, thank you for sharing this! 

Comments on this bug:

  • Yong Park

    Yong Park said almost 9 years ago:

    Voila! It worked! Thanks!
  • Pavel Korolyov

    Pavel Korolyov said almost 9 years ago:

    Ok, use this commands for button: import pk_flex.pk_flex reload(pk_flex.pk_flex) try: flex.close() except: pass flex = pk_flex.pk_flex.FlexWindow()
  • Pavel Korolyov

    Pavel Korolyov said over 8 years ago:

    Ok. Also I add command to instructions. import sat.main global win try: win.close() win.deleteLater() except: pass win = sat.main.MainWindow() win.connectSignals() win.start()
  • vasavoir

    vasavoir said over 8 years ago:

    "n\" is the symbol to change line.
  • Yong Park

    Yong Park said over 8 years ago:

    Hi, the new version v1.1, I followed the instructions and save the shelf to the correct directory. However, inside Maya, the shelf showed up, but it is empty, the button doesn’t show up. Can you post the shelf button’s python command so I can make a button manually while you are looking at this issue in depth? Thanks, by the way, this tool is so helpful, I tested Brave Rabbit’s Shapes plugin and this Flex tool, and Flex proven to be more stable and robust solution. Thanks Yong
  • Yong Park

    Yong Park said over 8 years ago:

    Thanks, it worked! Somehow, I had to put indentation in front of win.close() and win.deleteLater(), but it worked!! Thanks this is a great tool. I think might make this a pro version and keep refine it. I used for a small project of mine and it worked really well. I wouldn't mind to pay for this amazing script. Thanks again to make this available for the community. :)
  • Pavel Korolyov

    Pavel Korolyov said over 8 years ago:

    Very glad to hear it. ) And yes, soon I wanted to make pro version with advanced features. thanks. :)

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