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To Sphere 1.6.0 for Maya (maya script)

To Sphere is a script for spherical deformation

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/24/2015
File Size: 9.18 KB


maya, mel

To Sphere is an easier way for spherical deformation, which is similiar to the spherical modifier of 3ds Max (Maya's sculpt deformer can do nearly the same job, but it's a little difficult to control).

-Center Mode: it's the core of the script, which defines the center of deformation. Choose "Bounding Box Center" or "Average Position" to automatically caculate the center or you can choose "custom" and use the "center" parameter group to specify the center position manually.

P.S. For even geometry with nice topology, I recommend to choose "Bounding Box Center" coz it's faster. But if the geometry is more complicate and the distribution of vertex  is not structured, you'd better choose "Average Position".

-Spherical Amount: Controls the magnitude of deformation; the default value is 1, but you can type in value greater than 1 or less than 0 to get special result.

Deform Geometry/Deform Component: you can select a polygon geometry or part of its vertexes to use this script, press the corresponding button to execute the script. 

small bugs fixed 

Absolute Mode: turn on this option to force all the points  to be rayed to a spherical space and return a even result. 

center mode "Reference Controler": use a locator to control the deformation center. 

center mode "Pivot Center" : use the scale/translate pivot of the current geometry for the deformation center.

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