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UVShader 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tool for creating and assigning a simple toonshader.

Button download


  • 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/24/2015
File Size: 5.41 KB
This tool creates and assigns a simple UV-Shader based on Mayas internal shadingnodes. This tool is obsolete in Maya 2015 and higher, because this kind of function is already integrated.
1. Create new UVShader - Creates a new UVShader and assigns it to your current selection. The viewport is switching to Viewport 2.0 and textured view.
2. Assign UVShader - This button assigns your previously created UVShader to a new selection.
3. Reset Shader to Standard - Assigns the Lambert1 to your the selection.
4. Select OBjects with UVShader - Select all Objects with an UVShader assigned.
5. Delete UVShader in Scene - Deletes all UVShaders in your scene and assigns the Lambert1 to the objects.

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