Should work in other versions and platforms. Just not tested on all.
// 05/07/2010
// Wayne Lee
// wl_qp_quickPickWalk v1.0
// This script will setup pickwalking on your rigs
// To use, load an object into the Home button, then select the object
// you want to walk to from that object, and click the direction button.
// Do this for all your rig's control objects.
// !!! The toggle button will modify arrow/cursor hotkeys!!!
// The toggle button will allow you to use the arrow keys for pickwalking. It toggles between
// Maya's default heirachy pickwalking and this scripts hotkey commands
// If you want to give your animators the option of toggling the cursor hotkeys
// make a button with wl_qp_hotkeysShelfButton as the command
// Drop it into your scripts folder which is usually:
// My Documents\maya\[version]\prefs\scripts
// Make a button with wl_quickPickwalk as the command
// Any bugs, let me know.
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