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Maya IFF, EI, PIX, RLA, SGI, Softimage file reader 0.0.0 for Photoshop

File Reader/Writer for IFF, EI, PIX, SGI, Soft

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Operating Systems

  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/19/2005
File Size: 124 KB
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  • Keith

    Keith said about 19 years ago:

    Doesn't have any windows file format files *.8BI any updates?
  • mat_mccosker

    mat_mccosker said about 19 years ago:

    On the Japanese Adobe site for creative suite 2;
  • Chris

    Chris said about 19 years ago:

    didnt work for me. ton of errors extracting the files and the ones that did extract, didnt work when dropped in the plugins.
  • tuzoff

    tuzoff said about 19 years ago:

    Very Good
  • alnh

    alnh said about 19 years ago:

    I can't find any install notes in the download. Where can I find these? How do install with xp and CS? Thanks
  • zoomy

    zoomy said about 19 years ago:

    there don't seem to be any usable windows files in the zip.
  • Robin_Myers

    Robin_Myers said over 19 years ago:

    Copied the entire download (after extracting) to photoshops plugin folder, didn't work am running CS n(photoshop verion 8.0) could do with some advice :)
  • Deke Kincaid

    Deke Kincaid said over 19 years ago:

    Ill check on this tonight and fix it. Thx for the info.
  • alphajoe

    alphajoe said over 19 years ago:

    Doesn't work with CS2 as far as I can tell. I don't think it is as much a problem with the plugin as it is the fact that Photoshop recognizes IFF as the Amiga format. Simply "dropping" the plugin in the photoshop plugins directory is not enough to allow this plugin to work. I am sure there is a step that involves disabling the Amiga format and this is simply an oversight by the author.

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