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Kasumi UI 1.0.0 for Maya

Game Character Rig

Button download


  • 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:04/23/2007
File Size: 5.16 MB
This is a game concept character I worked on a while ago.
It features FK/IK arms with twistbones, FK to IK blend and FK to IK match.
The face is fully bone driven with predefined expressions, phenoms and the abilty to hand animate all the bones. The hood is actually fully retractable (which took a LOOOOONG time to make but sort of works fine now). Also, like all my rigs, it has a fully functioning User Interface allowing easy access to all the relavant controls, easy IK to FK matching, switching, facial animation, pose and clip creation and much more.
The normal maps are turned off by default because some people experienced system crashes when opening the file with an unsupported graphics board.
This character was created late in 2005 so I'm not sure how it's compatible with newer Maya versions, but feel free to let me know.

This file does not work prperly under Maya 8.5 (maybe earlier) since various MEL commands that are vital to the execution of the User Interface script have been mdified from previous versions.
I'm working on an updated version, and spare-time permitting will be available to download soon.

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