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jlCollisionDeformer 0.9.6 for Maya (maya plugin)

A simple collision deformer for polygonal objects

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Last Modified:04/08/2016
File Size: 6.34 KB


maya 2011 x64 hotfix 3 crashes

Submitted byBilly_The_Kid Billy_The_Kid
once I move the collision object to into the deforming object, maya stops responding and crashes

Comments on this bug:

  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    hi, i tried it on maya2011 x64 but i'm not sure which hotfix it was... i'll try it again there and try to reproduce the error. can you tell me if you were using objects with high polycount?
  • tristratos

    tristratos said over 14 years ago:

    After your mel snipset, I've managed to get it working. Objects do collide and collision deformation takes place. BUT It crashes on me as well. (2011 Hotfix3, windows7) The only thing that I did was the following - Added a simple polysphere (default settings - 400 faces ) - Dublicate the object, setting translate X to 3 (in orde to sepperate them) - select the both and then execute your script - everything goes fine now - play arround by moving the secong sphere over the first one (by only translating x so as to get over the first object_. - things to work for a while BUT after playing around for a while - for no apparent reason- everything crashes!! Please note that the machine tested is a wild hp z800 so computing power isn't the issue. I guess there a bug somewhere that makes this plugin unstable. Any idea ? P.S. If you feel like it I would be glad to test this and get this bug fixed (just in case you need a beta tester)
  • Dan Lauer

    Dan Lauer said over 14 years ago:

    Fwiw, ditto everything that TrisTratos said, except I'm still on Vista Pro. same Maya version and hotfix, exact same symptoms. I also have a highed boxxtech machine configured specifically for maya, so system should not be an issue. I would also be happy to help test. This looks like an awesome plug-in and I'm excited to put it to use.
  • Billy_The_Kid

    Billy_The_Kid said over 14 years ago:

    Yeah default spheres colliding 20 span u and v. Never thought to try 2009. Will let ya know
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    Hey Guys, thank you very much for your feedback! Beta testers are more than welcome since I don't have enough time to test the plugin. (I'm doing it in my spare time and I'm not a professional coder) However I'll try to reproduce the errors on my machine. The exception handling in the Maya Python API is kinda annoying, but i think I've to add it. Let me know when you manage to isolate a specific situation for the crashes, like tristratos, that helps a lot! All the best, jan
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    ok, it crashed on Maya 2011 x64 Hotfix 2 too... plain Maya 2011 x64 (without fix) works. I have to find out what the hotfixes did.
  • tristratos

    tristratos said over 14 years ago:

    At least you have a reference now!! Hope that helps. Let me know if you need a more specific way to recreate the problem.
  • Billy_The_Kid

    Billy_The_Kid said over 14 years ago:

    yep works fine in 2009 x64
  • gustavogf

    gustavogf said over 14 years ago:

    Yep, it crashed here too. Maya 2011 x64 hotfix 3, on Windows 7...
  • senthil23051987 senthil kumar

    senthil23051987 senthil kumar said over 14 years ago:

    its not working for maya 2011x64 also
  • shcmack

    shcmack said over 14 years ago:

    Same problem here, Maya 2011x64 on Windows 7. I've played around with it a bit, if I run the Python script to apply it line for line, it seemed to work, but after 20 seconds it crashed again.
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    Hi folks! I've updated the plugin and tried it on Maya 2011 x64 Hotfix 2 and it works! Please let me know if it still crashes on hotfix 3. Best, jan
  • gustavogf

    gustavogf said over 14 years ago:

    Nice, dude! Thanks for the effort for making this amazing plugin! Congrats!
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    Thank you all for your feedback and testing!

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