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jlCollisionDeformer 0.9.6 for Maya (maya plugin)

A simple collision deformer for polygonal objects

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Last Modified:04/08/2016
File Size: 6.34 KB


Error: IndentationError: unexpected indent

Submitted bytristratos tristratos
After installing the sript and plugin in the folders mentioned (AETemplates and plugins dir respectivelt) I tried to test out the plugin of yours (under Maya 2011/ Windows7 64bit)

I loaded up the plugin (worked fine) and created to sample polygon spheres seperated from each other.
Selected them both (one after the other) and executed the command mentioned

import maya.cmds as cmds

sel =, type='transform')

collider = sel[0]

traget = sel[1]

collidershape = cmds.listRelatives(collider, s=True)

collisiondeformer = cmds.deformer(traget, type='jlCollisionDeformer', n='collisionDeformer' )




All I get after this is the following error:

# Error: IndentationError: unexpected indent #

Which makes it unable to make any use of it.

Is there something that I am doing wrong, OR there is a known bug that needs to be fixed.
Please help

Comments on this bug:

  • tristratos

    tristratos said over 14 years ago:

    Forgot to mention that it is Maya 2011 with Hotfix 3 Any clue ?
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    please check the last line of the script, you got a break in it. it should be: cmds.connectAttr(collider+'.boundingBox.boundingBoxSize',collisiondeformer[0]+'.colliderBBoxSize') also keep in mind that python is format sensitive, perhaps there are some redundant whitespaces, tabs ot breaks in the script you are executing (happens easily when copy-pasting python script)
  • Jan Lachauer

    Jan Lachauer said over 14 years ago:

    added a .mel file to the zip that makes it easier to assign the deformer. Check readme!

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