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abAutoRig 6.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Skeleton builder and auto rigger

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/26/2013
File Size: 151 KB


autorig, Rig

Feature Request

Scale Control

Submitted by:crisosphinx crisosphinx
Is it possible to have a control to change the overall scale of the model with it's rig? It'd be amazing if you did that! I can't seem to be able to scale it at all.

Comments on this feature request:

  • crumbly

    crumbly said over 12 years ago:

    On the root control you should find a masterScale attribute which you can use to adjust the scale of the rig and any skinned meshes.
  • crisosphinx

    crisosphinx said over 12 years ago:

    Oh yeah, I had seen that right after I asked. Entirely my bad. I don't know how to delete this request. X: Sorry about that sir. By the way, your autorigger is phenomenal!
  • crumbly

    crumbly said over 12 years ago:

    Thanks, I'm glad you found it! No problem at all.

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