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abAutoRig 6.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Skeleton builder and auto rigger

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

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  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/26/2013
File Size: 151 KB


autorig, Rig

Feature Request

Fix for AbAutorig in Maya 2011

Submitted by:cutjules cutjules
Hello Crumbly, I'm french senior animator from France and I work for a video game company named Eden Games. We are looking for efficient rigging tools on Maya for our next projects. I've heard a lot about your script "AbAutorig" and decided to try it in maya 2011. It was working well but I had trouble with the command "abWireReplace" who returned error "// Error: Controls must have a layout. No layout found in window :". After few hours today, I finally found a correction to fix this bug. I didn't try all the functionalities of your script, maybe there will be other trouble while running AbAutorig in Maya 2011. Here is the modified "abRTWireReplaceUI()" proc, just look at the block of instructions moved : global proc abRTWireReplaceUI(){ // replace existing wires on a rig if (`window -exists abRTWrRplcWin`){ deleteUI -window abRTWrRplcWin; } window -t "abWireReplace" -w 168 -h 420 -minimizeButton false -maximizeButton false abRTWrRplcWin; int $lmargin = 3; int $rmargin = 3; string $aWireTypes[] = {"flattenedCircle","simpleCurve","fatArrow","medArrow","fatFourWayArrowMed","fatFourWayArrow","fatFoutWayArrowSmall_1","twoWayArrow","medTwoWayArrow","fatCross","medCross","fatDoubleArrow180","fatDoubleArrow90","fatSingleArrow90","fatSingleArrow180","fatSingleArrow270","thinDoubleArrow90","thinDoubleArrow180","thinSingleArrow90","thinSingleArrow180","thinSingleArrow270","thinDoubleArrow270","fatDoubleArrow270","hexagon","pentagon","triangle","square","rightFoot","pyramid","diamond","wedge","cone","cube","circle","sphere","fourWayArrowCurved","leftFoot","eyeHolder_2","leftEye_2","rightEye_2","eyeHolder_1","leftEye_1","rightEye_1","bloatedTriangle","star","star1","star2","star3"}; $aWireTypes = sort($aWireTypes); string $wireName; formLayout -numberOfDivisions 100 abTRWrRplcForm; button -l "Replace Selected" -c "abRTServiceWireReplaceUI(\"Replace\");" abRTWRReplaceBn; separator abRTWRSep1; button -l "Copy From To" -c "abRTServiceWireReplaceUI(\"Copy\");" abRTWRCopyBn; button -l "Mirror Selected" -c "abRTServiceWireReplaceUI(\"Mirror\");" abRTWRMirrorBn; separator abRTWRSep2; text -label "Wire Scale" abRTWRScaleTxt; string $cmd = "string $aSel[] = `textScrollList -q -si abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst`; if (size($aSel) != 0) abRTServiceWireReplaceUI(\"Replace\");"; floatField -min 0 -v 100 -step .5 -changeCommand $cmd -dragCommand ("undoInfo -swf off;"+$cmd+"undoInfo -swf on;") abRTWRScaleFltFld; textScrollList -allowMultiSelection false -dcc "abRTServiceWireReplaceUI(\"Replace\");" abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst; for ($wireName in $aWireTypes) textScrollList -e -append $wireName abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst; // This block of instructions was just under declaration of the formLayout abTRWrRplcForm. "button" commands don't work after "radioCollection" radioCollection abRTWRFacingRdBnCol; radioButton -label "+X" abRTWRFacingXPosRdBn; radioButton -label "+Y" abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn; radioButton -label "+Z" abRTWRFacingZPosRdBn; radioButton -label "-X" abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn; radioButton -label "-Y" abRTWRFacingYNegRdBn; radioButton -label "-Z" abRTWRFacingZNegRdBn; setParent ..; radioCollection -e -sl abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn abRTWRFacingRdBnCol; // End of the block of instruction moved formLayout -e -af abRTWRScaleTxt "bottom" 7 -af abRTWRScaleTxt "left" ($lmargin*2) -af abRTWRScaleFltFld "bottom" 4 -ac abRTWRScaleFltFld "left" 5 abRTWRScaleTxt -af abRTWRScaleFltFld "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRSep2 "bottom" 5 abRTWRScaleFltFld -af abRTWRSep2 "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRSep2 "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRMirrorBn "bottom" 4 abRTWRSep2 -af abRTWRMirrorBn "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRMirrorBn "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRCopyBn "bottom" 5 abRTWRMirrorBn -af abRTWRCopyBn "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRCopyBn "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRSep1 "bottom" 5 abRTWRCopyBn -af abRTWRSep1 "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRSep1 "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRReplaceBn "bottom" 6 abRTWRSep1 -af abRTWRReplaceBn "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRReplaceBn "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn "bottom" 5 abRTWRReplaceBn -af abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn "left"($lmargin*4) -ac abRTWRFacingYNegRdBn "bottom" 5 abRTWRReplaceBn -ap abRTWRFacingYNegRdBn "left" $lmargin 35 -ac abRTWRFacingZNegRdBn "bottom" 5 abRTWRReplaceBn -af abRTWRFacingZNegRdBn "right" ($rmargin*3) -ac abRTWRFacingXPosRdBn "bottom" 6 abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn -af abRTWRFacingXPosRdBn "left" ($lmargin*4) -ac abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn "bottom" 6 abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn -ap abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn "left" $lmargin 35 -ac abRTWRFacingZPosRdBn "bottom" 6 abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn -af abRTWRFacingZPosRdBn "right" ($rmargin*3) -af abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst "top" 10 -af abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst "left" $lmargin -af abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst "right" $rmargin -ac abRTWRWireTypeTxtScrllLst "bottom" 6 abRTWRFacingXPosRdBn abTRWrRplcForm; showWindow abRTWrRplcWin; } Best wishes, Julien ROBERT

Comments on this feature request:

  • crumbly

    crumbly said about 14 years ago:

    Thanks Julien, My site is down at the moment (undergoing a little maintenance), but I'll update the script with your changes ASAP. Brendan
  • Ferenczy Andras

    Ferenczy Andras said about 14 years ago:

    where should i copy Julien`s fix? thx for both of you...
  • Matthew Tardiff

    Matthew Tardiff said about 14 years ago:

    Basically if you open the abAutoRig in the script editor, search for textScrollList -allowMultiSelection (so it gets you to the right spot quickly without searching through the whole script) You'll notice the the text Julien has placed between the commented section : // This block of instructions was just under declaration of the formLayout abTRWrRplcForm. “button” commands don’t work after “radioCollection” radioCollection abRTWRFacingRdBnCol; radioButton -label “+X” abRTWRFacingXPosRdBn; radioButton -label “+Y” abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn; radioButton -label “+Z” abRTWRFacingZPosRdBn; radioButton -label “-X” abRTWRFacingXNegRdBn; radioButton -label “-Y” abRTWRFacingYNegRdBn; radioButton -label “-Z” abRTWRFacingZNegRdBn; setParent ..; radioCollection -e -sl abRTWRFacingYPosRdBn abRTWRFacingRdBnCol; // End of the block of instruction moved is above the textScroll List, Text Label etc You are simply moving it down above formLayout -e save the script and it works great.

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