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Arc Tracker 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Tracks Animation Arcs

Button download


  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/18/2014
File Size: 14.2 KB

Feature Request

Assigning hotkeys

Submitted by:Florian Fietz Florian Fietz
Great script! In my opinion it would be useful if we could assign hotkeys for the ArcTracker functions (Add and Remove Objects / Recreate Trail / etc...). Do you think this would be possible?

Comments on this feature request:

  • Spencer Jones

    Spencer Jones said over 12 years ago:

    you are already able to create hotkeys for anything you like in maya,topicNumber=d0e110814 to find the command you need for your hotkey: if you open the arc tracker mel script in a text editing program you should be ale to search for a phrase/word. usually the hotkey for doing this in a text app is ctrl f. find the word/phrase ‘button’ to navigate to the buttons which create the arc tracker ui. find the button you wish to have a hotkey for. on this button youll notice the -c flag. following this flag is the command the button calls. use this command for your hotkey. hope helps

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