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DRL Displacement to Poly 2.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Script enhancing Maya's "Displacement to Polygons" function and allowing to create animated displacement and give a better name for created displacement

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  • 9.x, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/15/2010
File Size: 10 KB
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  • LeJoshAbr

    LeJoshAbr said about 11 years ago:

    Thanks for this script. works perfectly nice.
  • DRL

    DRL said almost 14 years ago:

    When I was writing this script, I didn't know about DisplaceD plugin (and didn't find it with search). Now, after I have a quick look at it's description, looks like you won't need my script at all, if you're already using DisplaceD. I'll have a closer look to this plugin and will add a bit more detailed reply after that.
  • Reptillia

    Reptillia said almost 14 years ago:

    There was a plugin called DisplaceD which has similarities to how this script works only that the DisplaceD permits a lot more option into the final mesh unanimated while this script may be missing out on a lot. However, this plugin actually works for animated displacement unlike the DisplaceD plugin. Thought about updating the plugin while intergrating features from the DisplaceD plugin?

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