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FB Wire Jumbler 0.9.0 for Maya (maya script)

Jumbles curves to create "wires" between targets

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/10/2007
File Size: 30.4 KB
This was my first script, the concept is based off of Neil Blevins' Wire Jumble scripts for 3ds Max.

I tried to keep the controls pretty similar looking, but I'm sure the mechanics are different.
Simply run the script, select target objects in correct order, enter desired parameters, and press Make wires.

There are options for prefix, number of wires, wire diameter, variation, CV/EP curves, poly/NURBS output, Target type, and bunch more stuff.

This is ideal for mechs and quickly adding visual interest to those high-tech scenes.

Just drop the script into My Documents/maya/x.x/scripts/ and type FBwireJumbler into the command line.

I hope this is useful, email me with any questions or suggestions

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