fast and easy way to parent objects in animation process.
how to use:
1: copy the "kk_dp" script in
2: start maya and in command line type "kk_dp" and hit enter.
the kk_dp window should appear.
3: select parent object in your scene and in "kk_dp" window
press parent text field button, the name of your selected
object should appear in text field.
4: select child object in your scene and in "kk_dp" window
press child text field button, the name of your selected
object should appear in text field.
5: press parent button to parenting child object to parent.
6: animate parent object and after done you can press
unparent button to bake result. by pressing unparent button
another window which is contain two buttons should appear.
they called bake and drop. by pressing bake button
all movement on child object convert to keys.
but by pressing drop button the relationship between
parent and child should break.
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