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Lighting Preset 0.4.0 for Maya (maya script)

"Lighting Preset" allows you to create presets for your lighting ( All lights and rendering parameters ), save it to a .xml file, load and share easily from a UI in maya.

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/05/2012
File Size: 193 KB


presets, xml, rendering, vray

"Lighting Preset" version beta 0.2, it allows you to create presets for your lighting ( All lights, cameras and rendering parameters ), save it to a .xml file, load and share easily from a UI in maya.

To use it, you can either

- install the shelf in the .zip :

Copy the .mel as well as the .png file in your shelves and icons folder for instance on windows:


You will have a nez shelf "GJ_Tools" with the lighting preset ("lp") icon.

- Or you can open the .py script with the script editor in maya.

The script should work on Windows, Mac and Linux, but I cant check version for mac and linux, if someone has a problem just give me a shout, thanks ! Rendering parameters works only with MentalRay and Vray for Maya for now.

Many options available:

- Save all lights or only selected lights
- Save only rendering parameters
- Save cameras ( Normal cameras only for now )
- Save perspective view in the preset toggle
- Save all presets in the same folder by default to reduce useless manipulations
- Load a preset from an external .xml file
- Create light objects in your scene directly from the .xml preset file
- UI dockable or not
- 3 Presets groups available
- Save preferences in order to keep options setuped as you want, even if you close maya

More help infos and help at

Script still in beta, for any problem, drop me an email !

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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