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Voxelizer 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Converts meshes to voxels.

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  • 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/03/2010
File Size: 20.4 KB




How to make this script faster for your computer

Submitted by: Caetano Veyssières Caetano Veyssières
This script is really great, but works only with low resolution, if you use it with more cubes and a 100 frames animation, it blows up your computer.

We could simplify the result :

Let's voxelize this sphere:

Now we can combine the cubes and remove the inner part that we don't see, as this section shows:

comparison between voxelized and simplified sphere

What for the texture?

Let's take this skull model:

3D model

And do the same,  as this section shows :

comparison between voxelized and simplified skull

With a Batch bake, we can make this single texture:

And now we only have one object and one texture per frame instead of hundreds per frame.

The question is: How to script this?

Now it's beyond my knowledge.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Replies to this question:

  • Caetano Veyssières

    Caetano Veyssières said almost 11 years ago:

    I think I found another problem in this script : Instead of setting keyframes on "visibility" it keyframes "scale" (zero when invisible), which means that each frame, maya loads every cube, that's why it takes so long to do any modification. I tried to replace "scale" by "visibility" at the right places in the script (not everywhere it's written, for example not in "scaleControl") Then the keys are effectively moved to visibility, but somehow, no cube appears, even if visibility is "on". I don't know why. If someone succeeds let me know. However, I still maintain that this script is great work, and I guess Meetar (the owner) knows about this "scale" stuff and did it for a good reason. Even though, I'd like to know why and how could we improve it.

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