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Bugs (164 reported)
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missing node??
Status | closed |
Priority | high |
Date | 04/30/2014 |
Submitted by | |
im getting this warning: RapidRig_Modular.mel line 9781: No object matches name: RRM_l_FrontLeg_Knee? and Rapid Rig Modular is messing up with scene. In default setup all works well but when I move proxies for the rig mentioned mystake will appear.
Comments on this bug:
eallin said almost 11 years ago:
One update: when you change or add roll joints for legs(hind or front, it doesn' matter what you select) with selecting FrontLeg or HindLeg node the problem appears. -
eallin said almost 11 years ago:
The second update: the *_Head_MasterCtrl has bad orientation. Y axis is pointing to right side(as the X axis by default). The head joint is missing. -
Scorpion_laz said almost 11 years ago:
Eallin, it looks like that I’ve encountered the similar bug. However not in Knee-module but in elbow-region. Side question: is it possible to download a previous version? Unfortunalely, I’ve overwritten the file. -
Dustin Nelson said almost 11 years ago:
Hey guys, I just updated version 1.3.2 to resolve this problem. I also fixed the orientation issue with the Head MasterCtrl. Let me know if that version resolves the issues. -Dustin -
eallin said almost 11 years ago:
Hi Dustin, the head stays in bad axis align(Y axis is going to the right with comparison to the neck structure. The Neck Y axis going to up/or to front[depends on rotation of proxy nodes]). The head orientation is aligned with the "RRM_Neck_Top" node so when I rotate the "RRM_Head_Parent" node the head is staying aligned with the neck rig part. The rest: "RRM_Head_Jaw" and "RRM_l(r)_Eye_Parent" is oriented well with RRM_Head_Parent". So the result leads to eyes and mandible rig parts are oriented well with head proxy node but the "*_Head_MasterCtrl" stays oriented as the "*_Neck_TopIKCtrl" node BUT with with axis align offset as mentioned above. To be more straightforward: just make the default proxy rig and select the "RRM_Head_Parent" node and rotate it about some non zero value in X axis, then create the whole rig. You will see the result. You can see the clear result when you turn on Local Rotation Axis on the "*_Neck_TopIKCtrl" and "*_Head_MasterCtrl" nodes. One last small thing: maybe it is not the purpose but I am missing Head Joint for binding, there is only HeadTop one. Is it right that way? Cheers, Josef. -
eallin said almost 11 years ago:
Last two bugs I have found: 1. "*_l_FrontLeg_KneeIKCtrlGrp" and "*_r_FrontLeg_KneeIKCtrlGrp" have wrong set driven keys for parent constraints. The "Ankle" Value is not well weighted so it behaves like it is on half way between Ankle and Main or Leg Value. 2. front limbs: it would be good to have foreArm roll joint as in the case of clasic Rapid Rig Advanced for bipeds there(Especially when you are rigging cats it would be awesome). It would be good to have possibility during twisting of the foreArm to interpolate influence between elbow and wrist bones. It is almost the neccessary for every animator. And is it possible to make it without just connecting twist value(in this case X axis rotation) to the forArm joint BUT to have averaged value between elbow and wrist joint? I dont know if you already applied this feature to Rapid Rig Advanced already but it would be very good to have it there aswell. Thank you, Josef. -
Dustin Nelson said almost 11 years ago:
Hi Josef, In 1.3.3, I adjusted the orientation of the HeadC to match the Parent node. it used to be based on the angle from the Parent proxy to the Head Top proxy. Now, it orients to the Parent proxy. I also fixed the issue with the Ankle value. In regards to the front legs, or hind legs, you can add roll joints to those in the same ways you add them to the arm. If you use the preset to generate your quadruped, you can use the "Edit Modules" to go in and add your roll joints. These will do an evenly distributed roll/twist across each segment of the arm/leg regardless of the number you choose to use. There is no "Head" joint. The top of the Neck_TopJnt would act as your head joint, because that way you can get an evenly distributed stretch deformation across the entire length. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I was out of town for personal reasons and I don't have a laptop. -Dustin -
Dustin Nelson said almost 11 years ago:
Yes, skinning to the Top joint of the head would work in those cases. It shouldn't cause you any troubles by doing that. -Dustin -
eallin said almost 11 years ago:
Hi Dustin, of course no problem. I wish you all right in case of personal reasons. I have tried the 1.3.4 version and everything looks working good now. Thank you. Just about the head joint: there is several cases when the animator wants to move or manipulate just with Head itself, but not influencing the Neck. In this case, when you move or manipulate just the "*_Head_MasterCtrl" control node, the Mandible and Eyes are moving but not the Head itself(with condition you bound Head geometry part to "*_Neck_TopJnt"). So is it correct to bind the Head geometry part to "*_Head_TopSHJnt" for this case? From hierarchical point of view it will work. Josef.
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