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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB


Twist joint issue

Submitted byjinu john jinu john
Upper and Lower twist Joint values in Legs throwing "No object matches name:" error.
Please Help.
Thank you

Comments on this bug:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 7 years ago:

    Can you provide any more details? What values are you referring to? What are you doing that causes this error?
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 7 years ago:

    Can you provide any more details? What values are you referring to? What are you doing that causes this error?
  • ligaliga

    ligaliga said about 7 years ago:

    I get the same error:
    // Error: file: .../RRM_v2.2.4/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 13048: No object matches name: L_FrontLeg_HipFk_CtrlGrp2 //
  • ligaliga

    ligaliga said about 7 years ago:

    the error appears when trying to create twist joints for the legs (started from the the quadrupe template)
  • jinu john

    jinu john said about 7 years ago:

    As ligaliga has mentioned "the error appears when trying to create twist joints for the legs (started from the the quadrupe template)"

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