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"Rapid Rig: Modular" - Procedural Auto Rig 2.4.8 for Maya (maya script)

"Rapid Rig: Modular" frees you from the confines of bipedal autorigs! So get creative!

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Last Modified:03/25/2023
File Size: 323 KB


Rebuild Error: Line 14119 Cannot Add Constraint

Submitted bywespector wespector
Getting the following error during rebuild:

// Warning: file: C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 23749: No objects specified that can have connections. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 25067: "Spine_LengthRatioInverse_MD": basicExpression has encountered a divide by zero. Result is unpredictable. //

Rebuilding Rig...
// Error: file: C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 14119: Could not add constraint or connections. //


I reloaded the file and used Delete Rig.  I then tried to build a new rig on the proxy and got this message:

// Error: file: C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 14119: Could not add constraint or connections. // 


I am using Maya 2018 and RR 2.2.5.  Also got the same result in RR 2.2.3







Comments on this bug:

  • wespector

    wespector said over 7 years ago:

    Traced the issue to the hands.  I created hands with 5 fingers instead of using 4 fingers with a seperate thumb.  I am unable to remove the 5 fingers from the proxy.  Get this error:
    // Error: file: C:/Users/admin/Documents/maya/2018/scripts/RapidRig_Modular_V2.mel line 5366: Cannot evaluate more than one attribute. // 
    Proxy Save Transforms also did not work correctly on this proxy, nor could any of the fk chains that make up the fingers be loaded for edit.  Solution was to create a new proxy biped with 4 fingers and a thumb, match the transforms to the original proxy, and generate a new rig.
  • wespector

    wespector said over 7 years ago:

    Update 2:
    Reverting to 2.1 also solved the issue.  
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said about 7 years ago:

    There was a bit of an overhaul of the fk chain proxy builds because there were some bugs. It's possible that this broke older functionality. However, would you be able to send me your file so I can take a look at it and see exactly what is going on? The number of fk chains should not cause this kind of issue.

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